Wisdom: Man of Wisdom cannot be mislead
Benevolence: Man of Benevolence has no worry
Courage: Man of Courage has no fear
1. Chin Woo concept of MAN
To achieve all around ability through moral, intellectual, and physical training
2. Chin Woo concept of CHARACTER
Respect for others and self respect through justice and integrity
3. Chin Woo concept of CARING
Humanity and equality through honesty and frankness
4. Chin Woo concept of WORDS AND DEEDS
A person’s dealings are judged by his words and deeds
5. Chin Woo concept of TRUSTWORTHINESS
To keep every pledge and promise
6. Chin Woo concept of PUNCTUALITY
To be punctual in appointment with no apology
7. Chin Woo concept of JUSTICE
To uphold justice impartially
8. Chin Woo concept of SERVICE
To render service with honor
9. Chin Woo concept of WELFARE
To give and not to take
10. Chin Woo concept of FRATERNITY
To love others as you love yourself and your own family